What does sustainable procurement mean?

For us, sustainable procurement does not mean simply ticking the bare minimum of boxes in order to say we source sustainably.

What it does mean, is many years of continuing hard work with our global suppliers, with fisheries, with organisations that make and enforce policy and with our clients, in order to be a part of the solution to preserve the precious resources of our oceans.

In practice, this means that all our products are fully traceable down to the smallest of details and we believe wholeheartedly in complete transparency in every part of our supply chain.

Unfortunately, there are also human rights issues that need to be considered in the procurement process. As a result, we take a human rights due diligence approach to protecting workers within our supply chain from exploitative practices. To view our Modern Day Slavery Policy, click here.

Our endeavors in sustainable procurement are intended benefit the wider industry and not just our own business.


In addition to being long term certified and monitored by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), we also work closely with the MSC to help raise awareness and improve demand for sustainable fish throughout the chain of custody - fishing, transporting, trading, processing, packaging and selling across the food service and retail sectors.

As a socially responsible business, Sedex membership helps us to monitor all aspects of our global supply chain in order to protect the workers within it from exploitation. Allowing us to identify areas of risk and pro-actively manage and mitigate any risks to ensure we are aligned with UN guidance on international labour practices.